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      Pacifiers, they come in all shapes and sizes. One baby likes one thing, while another needs something else. The world of pacifiers is HUGE! And that's not easy, pacifiers are a replacement for mom's breast. So something very important! To give you some insight into the whole pacifier thing, we will explain some basic things here, a good start is of Show more



      79 Products

      Pacifiers, they come in all shapes and sizes. One baby likes one thing, while another needs something else. The world of pacifiers is HUGE! And that's not easy, pacifiers are a replacement for mom's breast. So something very important! To give you some insight into the whole pacifier thing, we will explain some basic things here, a good start is of course half the battle ;)


      Why does a pacifier calm a baby down?

      It is useful and important to know why a baby is given a pacifier. If you keep that in mind, you will understand how important the pacifier is for a little one. And also that you are aware of this when you think about reducing it, because there comes a time when they stop taking it naturally. Babies often have a need to suck, and this is not random. Sucking offers comfort and has a soothing and stress-relieving effect. This need to suck comes naturally from the mother's drinking and sucking at the breast. So this is a natural phenomenon, and that is something that should be taken into account. If your little one is often restless, breastfeeding is the best and easiest option. However, if the mother returns to work, which is often the case, a pacifier can be an ideal substitute.

      It is an ideal way to make your little one feel comfortable and sleep. The chest is also there so they can fall asleep easily. Breast milk is continuously adapted to the needs of a little one - which means that it contains extra melatonin in the evening - so that your little one falls asleep more easily. Drinking and sucking on the breast also ensures sleep.

      That's why a pacifier can sometimes be useful, well... most of the time ;) It's a natural occurrence, which we try to imitate with a pacifier :)


      How do the sizes work in pacifiers?

      Pacifiers, pacifiers - they are in abundance. You see them hanging everywhere, but how exactly do the sizes work? Now this is of course different for every brand, they all use a different size - but basically it often comes down to the same thing. In most cases there are often 3 sizes for pacifiers, and sometimes two. How does this happen? Because the parents often phase out the pacifier after an average of 2 years of age. However, this is not always the case - because of course every child is different... and nature has developed this way until a baby/child can be breastfed until the age of 6 to 7. That's also where 'milk teeth' come from. Of course times also change, and things are often a bit different these days. However, this does not mean that a child at the age of 5 cannot have a pacifier, especially at night. That happens more often than you think. Above all, follow your own child, that is the best advice you can follow ;)

      We always recommend checking out the specific brand and seeing how their pacifier sizes work. However, the foundation has now been laid, and you understand a little more ;)

      Okay, now we're really going to talk about sizes. The most common classification of pacifier sizes is:

      Size 1 - 0 to 6 months

      Size 2 - 6 to 12 months

      Size 3 - 12+ months

      The pacifier is literally a replacement for the mother's nipple, so they don't really need to be much bigger. Of course there are different mouths, so you have to see what your baby likes best. In most cases these sizes are correct, but it may be that your baby's mouth is slightly different - and you need a size 2 or size 3. You can only find this out by trying. As a basis and as a start, this is a nice base, size 1 to start with. And then it's testing, and sometimes it's a lot of testing.


      How do the shapes in pacifiers work?

      In addition to the fact that there are multiple sizes of pacifiers, there are also different shapes of pacifiers. And yes, there are more than three. Every brand has something that doesn't work for another. That's not necessarily nonsense, again - different babies = different mouths.

      Of course there is also a basis in the shapes of the pacifiers and these are:

      Round teat - often called the cherry teat or cherry shape.

      Dental pacifier - this is a pacifier with a flat, sloping shape.

      Symmetrical teat - this is a teat with a flat teat, but also symmetrical.


      Which pacifier shape is best?

      This is a very frequently asked question, but there is no clear answer. Every baby has a different mouth. So there is no best pacifier shape, but there is a popular pacifier shape because it most resembles the mother's nipple. Because that's what it's all about, imitating mom's nipple. That is the round teat, also called the cherry-shaped pacifier. An advantage of this is that you are less likely to experience so-called nipple-pacifier confusion. That is something you want to prevent. This means that the baby will confuse the teat and the nipple, and will therefore no longer feed normally from the breast. You don't want breastfeeding to suffer because of the use of a pacifier.

      The nipple is of course the best, but in many cases the mother goes back to work - a good replacement is important. Especially in connection with the need to suck, which is why a pacifier can be super nice! And that is often what it is used for! The breast is best and works best, but is not always possible.

      But that does not mean that the cherry-shaped teat is the best, because there is none. Because although this is the most sold, there are plenty of other shapes that are also sold. It is really an investigation that you go through as a parent. However, this way you have something to hold on to and a place to start from. For example, other babies suddenly lose their thumbs. It is a great adventure that you can embark on yourself, with a little support from the right information. Ultimately, your baby decides what is best ♡

      How do I know which size pacifier I need for my baby?

      This is an answer you may not like very much, but it is the reality. But this is a matter of trying it out. Actually, a size doesn't immediately say anything, because every mouth is different. However, you can see a common thread and start with a base - and that is size 1. This is common, so a good start. Of course, this does not mean that this is immediately a good thing - but usually it is. Especially if your little one has difficulty latching on, etc., a different pacifier is the norm rather than standard.

      It's really a matter of trying, and if you start somewhere - start with size 1 ;)

      How do I know which shape of pacifier I need for my baby?

      This is really a matter of trying it out. Especially if there is nothing else wrong, you can purchase a regular standard cherry pacifier for your little one. However, nowadays there are also try-out sets such as those from BIBS. Consider, for example, the color Ivory . Of course there is more choice regarding color, but it includes all shapes that BIBS has. These are the cherry teat, the dental teat and the symmetrical teat.

      If your little one has difficulty drinking from the breast and suffers from a tongue tie, you often already have help from an expert in this field. You can often ask them what is best for your little one, because they have had years of experience with this. However, it is still a matter of trying things out, but then you can try more specifically :)


      How do I clean pacifiers?

      It is important to clean a pacifier regularly, but how do you do that? Advice is given to boil a teat completely, but this old advice is based on silicone teats. Times change, and so do the materials used. BIBS teats are mainly made of natural rubber - so you cannot boil it out. This will destroy natural rubber, and of course you don't want that. How can you clean natural rubber pacifiers? That's actually quite simple, and it doesn't take much time.

      Place the teats made of natural rubber in a colander and pour some boiled water over them. This already kills the bacteria, so no longer is necessary. And this is exactly what you want


      What types of teat materials are there?

      Pacifiers come in all shapes, sizes, colors and materials. There are three variants made of natural rubber, latex or silicone. The conscious father or mother usually opts for natural rubber, but there are babies who are allergic to natural rubber and therefore have to make a different choice.


      What is the difference between a silicone teat and a natural rubber teat?

      The first difference can already be seen with the naked eye. If you have a natural rubber teat, you will already see that it is brown/yellow in color. A silicone pacifier is transparent, so two completely different pacifiers. A natural rubber teat is also called a latex teat. This material is natural and flexible and comes from the Hevea tree. Natural rubber is really super soft, elastic and resilient. Let that be exactly what you want for your little one, because remember - the mother's nipple is to be mimicked. Silicone pacifiers are more firm. This means that more pressure can be exerted on these and they are less likely to break.


      Where can I ask my question about pacifiers?

      You may have a question after reading the above information. You can always contact our team if you have a question. A question about pacifiers in general, the BIBS brand or perhaps about the material a pacifier is made of. No matter what question you have, you can always ask our team. You can reach us at info@haarspullen.nl or you can call us at 038-4582584