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      Hair Products

      Hair products , a world where there is something for all hair types. The only question is which hair products are best for your hair! Hair care that meets your requirements, your wishes and what your hair really needs. But also products to style your hair can differ per hair type. To help you further in your search for the best hair products, we wi Show more


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      Hair products , a world where there is something for all hair types. The only question is which hair products are best for your hair! Hair care that meets your requirements, your wishes and what your hair really needs. But also products to style your hair can differ per hair type. To help you further in your search for the best hair products, we will help you on your way below. We share ideal products per hair type, the most popular styling products and many more must-knows. You can click through to the products we mention for you more easily, so you can always find the most specific description and you know for sure that it is perfect for your hair! ♡


      What hair products are available?

      There is so much to find in the field of hair products. We can also imagine that it is sometimes a bit confusing, because the choice is so enormous. To help you find your way around the world of all these hair products, we have created an overview of hair products per category. There you will also find a short explanation, so that you know for sure whether this is what you are looking for.


      Hair care

      • Shampoo: Ashampoois the basis of all hair care. It contains ingredients to cleanse the hair and scalp of impurities such as dust, dead skin cells and dirt from styling products. As you have probably noticed, there are many different types of shampoos. To make it a little easier for you, we have created different categories, so that you can easily choose the perfect product for your hair type.
      • Conditioner: Aconditioneris almost always used after a shampoo. Using a shampoo ensures that your hair scales open up. A conditioner ensures that the hair scales close again and that is important, because otherwise there is a chance that the hairs will break off. In addition, it makes your hair shiny, soft and combable. Conditioners also come in many types, each with a different effect. Just like with shampoos, we have tried to make it a little easier for you to find the perfect conditioner.
      • Silver shampoo: Yes, it is true that asilver shampoois also 'just' a shampoo, so why is it mentioned separately? This is because it is a large category within all shampoos and is mainly suitable for a selective hair type. Silver shampoo consists of purple or blue pigments and is mainly used to give blond, gray or white hair a cool tint or to neutralize unwanted yellow and orange tones in the hair. So do you have beautiful blond or gray locks and do you not want an unwanted glow in your hair? Then a silver shampoo is your best friend.
      • Hair mask: Ahair mask, also called a treatment, can be compared to a conditioner. The purpose of this care product is to intensively care for your hair! Compared to a conditioner, it has a thicker structure and feels more like a cream. In general, a hair mask is not used as often as a conditioner, but for example once a week.
      • Hair oil: Ahair oilis not meant to make your hair greasy, but to keep it healthy. The vitamins in the oil nourish the hair in the right way. The difference between a hair oil and a hair serum is that the hair oil nourishes the hair from the inside and the hair serum puts a layer on the outside of the hair. A hair oil is therefore usually applied to towel-dried hair.
      • Leave-in: Aleave-in conditioneractually has the same effect as a conditioner, but has a different way of using it. You use a conditioner while showering and rinse it out. With a leave-in, you only use it after showering on wet hair and you don't have to rinse it out. This nourishes and protects your hair all day long. A leave-in conditioner is often available as a spray. Super easy!
      • Hair vitamins: Do you want to give your locks some extra love? Thenhair vitamins are perfect to use! Hair vitamins are delicious gummies or tablets packed with vitamins and minerals that contribute to the condition of your scalp and hair.
      • Scalp problems: Healthy hair starts with a healthyscalp, but that is not without problems for everyone. That is why there are also products that are suitable to improve and reduce scalp problems. This way you know for sure that you are not using the wrong products and making it worse.
      • Sets: Sometimes it can be difficult to find the right hair care products. That is why we have put together a page withsets, so that you can be sure that you order the right combination of products. No more searching and you have an easy overview!


      Hair Styling

      • Hair wax: Versatile and suitable for every hair type. Then ahair wax is perfect! For example, you can easily create an out-of-bed look with it, but also a sleek look with a bit of shine. It is often used in dry or slightly damp hair, which makes it easier to control the hair. Another advantage is that you can often restyle a hair wax during the day, so you can change your look (for example between work and a party).
      • Hair gel: Are you looking for the perfecthair gelfor your hairstyle? Then you have come to the right place! There are so many different types of gel that it is not always easy to find the one that suits you best. Everyone has a different hair type and that is why there are also many different types of hair gel. From light to strong, suitable for restyling or a strong hold. Do you want to be able to restyling your hair every now and then? Then it is best to choose a gel with a lower hold factor. Do you want to retain your shape? Then use a strong gel in damp hair.
      • Hairspray: Ahairsprayis the most used styling product and probably also the first product you think of when styling! However, hairspray is so much more than just a hairspray. There is a suitable spray for all hair types, there are different strength levels, but it can also give a beautiful shine to your locks! You can find all the information on our hairspray page.
      • Hair mousse: Ahair moussehas become an indispensable part of the world of hair products. A good mousse provides strength to the hair, more volume and more shine. Due to the chemical connections, the mousse surrounds the hair strand and makes the hair appear fuller. It is not only used to create fuller hair, but it is also often used to increase elasticity so that the hairdo stays in shape longer!
      • Cream: A product that actually has the 'wettest' structure of all styling products.Creamscan have both a high and low hold, but this is usually on the lower side. They are mainly intended for a fine hair structure. For an out-of-bed look, messy creation or if you want to make your wavy hair a bit straighter, then a hair cream is your best friend!
      • Hair serum: Ahair serumis mainly used for protection and care of the hair. In contrast to a hair oil, it forms a layer around your hair, which protects it from external influences. For example, think of products that protect your hair from the heat of heat tools.  


      Hair coloring

      • Hair coloring: For a beautiful, new hair color, most people go to a salon. However, it can sometimes be just as easy and nice to color your hair at home. There are different types ofhair coloring, from permanent hair coloring to temporary hair coloring, so that there is always something suitable for you. Take a quick look at our range.
      • Bleaching: Are you going for beautiful blonde locks or do you just want something different?Bleachingis actually nothing more than bleaching your hair. In other words, you remove the pigments from your hair, which gives you lighter hair. So you don't get beautiful blonde hair right away, but with bleaching you only bleach it, after which you can dye it in the right color.
      • Oxidation:Oxidationensures that the natural hair is slightly discoloured, so that the dye can penetrate the hair well and your hair colour gets the most beautiful shade.It is available in different strengths, so that you can always find a variant that suits your wishes. For the best advice, we recommend that you contact one of our specialists.
      • Color Refreshers:With acolor refresheryou can give your color a little refresh between salon visits. You give your hair color a little boost and you can also extend the time between salon visits. It is not only good for your wallet, it is also good for your hair because you extend the health of your hair in this way.
      • Eyebrow dye: Have you just given your beautiful locks a different color and would you like to include your eyebrows in a matching color? Then you can now easily dye youreyebrowsat home. In our assortment you will find different colors, so that you can easily have your eyebrows on fleek again!
      • Accessories: Certain accessories are essential for colouring your hair! That is why you will find allthe supplies you needfor colouring your hair with us, so that you will always have a beautiful result.


      Hair tools and accessories

      • Heat tools: Do you want a look that is perfect for a night out? Or do you want to be able to dry your hair right after showering? Then you will find a perfect solution for every situation with us! You very often need a heat tool to complete your masterful look. At Haarspullen.nl you will always find atoolthat suits you and your hair.
      • Hairbrushes:Hairbrushesare used daily by a great many people. You can hardly imagine not using a brush. This product is mainly used to detangle your locks, keeping them healthy, clean and more manageable. In our range you will find various brushes such as: anti-tangle combs, clip-on combs and brushes for styling your hair. But of course also the 'normal' hairbrush to comb through your beautiful locks. The hairbrushes are all developed in such a way that the hair will not be damaged during normal use.


      What is the ideal hair care for blond and gray hair?

      For blonde colored hair it is of course a must that you maintain your optimal blonde hair color and prevent yellow tones. For this you can best use asilver shampoo. Silver shampoo is also ideal for gray hair. For example, theMore Haircare Extreme Silver Shampooandconditioner is one of the most ordered products with us. This silver shampoo is the ultimate combination of the Fanola No Yellow and the Fudge Silver Shampoo. MORE EXTREME has just as much pigment as the Fanola AND just as many nourishing ingredients as the Fudge! Actually you have the best of both worlds! There are alsoVeganSilver Shampoosto be found on our site, take a quick look!TheFanola No Yellow Silver Shampoo is also recommended. This shampoo contains purple pigments, which makes the yellow tint disappear from the hair. In addition, bleached hair always needs extra care. So make sure that you always give your hair extra love with the right care products. For example,Schwarzkopf Blond Me has a complete care line that is really focused on blonde locks. To share the ultimate care tips for bleached hair we have written a blog. Read the blog:8 ultimate care tips for bleached hairto ensure your hair is optimally cared for and shines beautifully as a blondie!


      How do I care for my curls?

      Taking good care of your curls is very important. You don't want them to become frizzy or look like they have knots in them. That's why we recommend starting with theCurly Girl method. This method is especially for everyone with curly hair. We offer various professional brands that have the perfect products for curly hair. Do you want to know more about this? We recommend that you read the blog:Curly hair, but how do I take care of it?


      Which hair products are CG-proof?

      Perhaps you are looking for curl products that are approved according to the Curly Girl Method.In the Curly Girl Method From A to Z we explain quite a few professional products that you can use for your curls. Are you looking for the ideal final wash shampoo? Then we recommend theWella Scalp Balance Clean Anti-Dandruff Shampoo.

      Are your curls dry, damaged in any way and could they use a good treatment so that your curl can return to its original state? Then it is advisable to purchase the treatmentOlaplex Hair Perfector No. 3.This repairs your hair from the inside out. It is, as it were, a plaster that ensures that the hair is strong and smooth again. Do you want a complete overview of CG-proof products? On thispageyou will find the entire range!


      What is the best shampoo for brown hair?

      It is also important for all brunettes to use a good shampoo to keep the color of your hair as beautiful as possible! TheFanola No Red Shampooneutralizes all red tones in your hair. This is due to the green pigments in the shampoo. The shampoo is suitable for both natural and colored brown hair. This shampoo is also available in a set with a mask, namely theFanola No Red Set. 


      What is the best shampoo for red hair?

      Whether you have dyed or natural red hair, you want to make sure that you don't get any unwanted tones in your hair. Specially developed hair products for red and copper tones are for example theFanola No Orangeor theMatrix Brass Off.These are specially developed for red and copper tones.


      What is the best-selling hair care for colored hair?

      Dyed hair needs special care, because a chemical treatment can seriously damage your hair. In addition, you want your color to stay beautiful for as long as possible. That is why we recommend that you always use specialShampoo for colored hairthat is specially developed for dyed hair. We have listed the best-selling color shampoos for you:


      What is the best-selling men's shampoo?

      Men want a shampoo that is easy and effective. No frills, just a good shampoo.On this page you will find all the shampoos that men can use:Shampoos for men.


      What is a wildly popular hair product that is suitable for every hair type?

      Sometimes there are hair products that are just so incredibly good, but they are not suitable for every hair type. However, there is a hair product on the market that every type of hair will be happy with and that isOlaplex Hair Perfector No. 3.This treatment ensures that your hair returns to its original state. What it does, is that it sticks all kinds of small plasters on your hairs. This makes them completely whole again and they are sealed.


      What are the bestsellers?

      It is important that you choose a shampoo that suits your hair type and is suitable for your hair needs. That is why we have listed one of the bestsellers of each type:


      What is the best hair care for damaged hair?

      Your hair is severely damaged and you absolutely do not know what to do with it. The best thing is to cut it off, but that is not really an option and nobody wants that. Of course we understand that completely! What are really good care products for your hair that ensure that the hair is actually fixed again?How do you ensure that your hair cuticles are repaired, that hair bonds are created again and that your hair is actually sealed again so that you have beautiful, healthy looking hair again?

      First of all, it is important that you actually glue your hair back together, very simply put. You do this byincludingOlaplex No. 3 in your hair routine. This hair product is not without reason one of the most popular miracle cures worldwide. You can also add Olaplex No. 0to it, this ensures that No. 3 works up to 68% better. If you only want to buy one, because it is quite expensive, we recommend the No. 3 in any case. In addition, we recommend regularlyusing a restorative hair mask for damaged hair.

      If you would like more information, tips and other interesting facts about damaged hair, we would like to refer you to the blogs below that go into more depth on the subject of damaged hair:

      Damaged hair, what can cause this?

      The step-by-step plan to repair damaged hair ♡


      What is the best hair care for oily hair?

      Having greasy hair is of course not pleasant, especially if your hair is already greasy after half a day or a whole day. What is the best hair care for greasy hair? And what is a shampoo that is not so strong that it stimulates and negatively affects the sebum on your scalp, but a shampoo that actually reduces the problem? Then you are in the right place with a natural shampoo that is not aggressive, but actually works with you and makes your hair less greasy. If you want more information and tips and tricks to reduce your greasy hair, we would like to refer you to the blogs below. This will also help you further to less greasy hair!

      With this step-by-step plan you will get greasy hair under control!

      Say goodbye to greasy hair with these 10 tips!


      What can I do about dull hair?

      Sometimes you become lifeless, your lifeless hair that actually doesn't want anything anymore. Volume is what you want, you want your hair to dance on your head as if it has all the space. What are good lightweight hair products that give your hair volume and make it shine again? There are of course many hair products on the market, and every brand has a volume line. One has this effective ingredient, the other has another effective ingredient. Lifeless hair can have various causes, such as heredity, lack of vitamins and minerals, hormone balance, or the wrong care products. Fortunately, there are enough hair products that solve this problem. The best thing is of course to use a shampoo and conditioner that contain natural ingredients.


      What is the best hair product against frizzy and fluffy hair?

      No matter what you have tried, you have never found the ideal hair product that really combats frizzy hair. The products you use do something, but they have never achieved a completely frizz-free result. You no longer care how much it costs, IF it works! Look no further! There is an absolute answer to frizzy hair! And that is a combination of two super products!

      That's the combination ofOlaplex No. 6andOlaplex No. 7.This is a golden combination that ensures that frizzy hair is truly a thing of the past!

      Want more tips and tricks against frizzy hair? Then go to the article →10 tips against frizzy hair!.


      Is there also a natural anti-dandruff shampoo that is effective?

      Dandruff/flakes in hair are not nice and you want to get rid of them. Fortunately, there are good products on the market for this. Of course, you also want to reduce the dandruff to make it disappear in the long term. That is why it is advisable to use a natural, effective anti-dandruff shampoo.

      Want more tips and tricks to combat dandruff? Read our article →5 tips to combat dandruff!


      What is the most popular product that prevents split ends?

      Although olaplex 3 handles this very well, you may also want to use a very good product that protects your hair after showering and protects your hair ends from damage.Schwarzkopf Bonacure Repair Rescue Sealed Endsis the hair serum against split ends. An absolute must have if you have long hair, want to grow it long or if your hair is brittle. In addition, theSchwarzkopf R-TWO Renewal Sealer is an ideal leave-in product to prevent hair breakage and reduce split ends.

      Want more information about split ends? You can, then we would like to refer you to our very extensive blog →First aid for split ends!


      Which shampoo really works against hair loss?

      Excessive hair loss is terrible and something you don't want. Hair loss itself is a natural phenomenon, but excessive hair loss often has an underlying cause, what this cause is exactly can be found in the article →Discover the real cause of your thinning hair. If you want to grow your hair again, it is wise to tackle this properly so that you achieve the best possible result. So get started from the inside out and with the right hair products that not only make your hair grow, but also make it thicker.

      Neofollics Stimulating Hair Growth Set, is a set that consists of a shampoo and a conditioner. This is a good basic set to stop your hair loss and start the process of hair growth again. You can expand this basic set withNeofollics Hair Growth Lotion.You use this hair growth lotion on places on your scalp where there is obvious hair loss or bald spots. The lotion contains the hair growth molecules Adenosine, Vividine and Aminexil.

      If you want to do even more, you can always include the supportingNeofollics Hair Growth Supporting Tabletsin your routine. These tablets are clinically tested and proven. If you find it difficult to choose, we recommend starting with the basic set. You can always add hair growth products later.


      When should I choose a hair oil, serum or treatment?

      Ahair oilactually gives the finishing touch to your hair. It gives shine and often gives extra nutrition and especially protection. Most people use a hair oil to prevent frizzy hair. You use aserumwhen you want to give your hair a protective layer, so it works on the outside of your hair. A hair serum always contains silicones, this can be water-based or oil-based. A hair treatment ensures that your hair is repaired. This simply means that your hair is repaired from the inside.


      What is the best selling hair oil?

      Hair oil is widely used, but why do we use a hair oil and what is the difference with a hair serum? There is a clear difference between a hair oil and a hair serum and that is that a hair oil goes IN the hair and a hair serum goes AROUND the hair. Hair oil is therefore a nourishing product. A good hair oil actually gives the finishing touch to your hair. It gives a beautiful shine, it often provides extra nutrition and especially protection. The main reason why a hair oil is used is to prevent frizzy hair. Now there is a real absolute winner in this area, and that is theOlaplex Bonding Oil No. 7.Thereis no hair oil that is as good as the hair oil from Olaplex. It prevents frizz, because it is a bonding oil. It ensures that your hair is 'made' again by the patented ingredient that makes Olaplex so incredibly popular. It is worth the investment twice over!

      If you would like more information about hair oil, we recommend that you read the extensive article about hair oil:

      Everything you need to know about hair oil


      What is one of the best-selling hair serums?

      A hair serum looks a lot like a hair oil, but there is a difference. You might not think so, because many properties are the same, which is also true. The market continues to develop and because of this they all try to add extra properties to it. A hair serum always contains silicones, this can be water-based or oil-based. A popular hair serum is theBiosilk Silk Therapy Original.


      What is the right treatment for my hair?

      A treatment can be exactly what your hair needs. But I use a hair mask, isn't that the same thing? No, there is a clear difference between the two.

      A hair mask ensures that your hair is deeply nourished, this can be done in different ways.

      A treatment ensures that your hair is restored in its structure. This simply means that your hair is repaired from the inside. Treatments and masks are often used interchangeably, but there is a difference.

      If you want to give your hair a boost because it is dry, damaged or to give your natural hair a big boost, then it is an absolute must togetOlaplex No. 3 .


      How do you get even more out of a hair mask?

      If you want to give your hair an extra boost during such a moment, you can add one of the pure oils below:


      Why is a heat protectant so important?

      Aheat protectoris an absolute must if you blow-dry, straighten or curl your hair. Heat damages your hair. Eventually you will have damaged hair cuticles and a bunch of dry hair left. You obviously want to prevent this and prevention is better than cure in this case. Heat protector protects your hair from the damaging effects of heat. In addition, it creates a smooth and shiny finish, making your hair look healthy and polished. There are heat protectors for different hair types. In addition, more and more heat protectors are vegan, just like other hair products.


      Buy hair products

      The possibilities in hair products are endless! Finding the right care for your hair type can sometimes be difficult. Fortunately, at Haarspullen you can find the right hair care for every hair type that will make your hair and yourself shine. We think it is important to always help you with questions and try to share as much information, tips and tricks as possible. Do you still find it difficult to choose the right hair products? Then feel free to contact our professionals. You can contact us with all your questions. Call 038 4582584 or email your question toinfo@haarspullen.nl. We are available from Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 17:00. We will help you with your questions as soon as possible!