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      A tanned skin , many people are very happy about that. However, we do not all have the time or the desire to lie in the sun for hours. Not everyone is a fan of a tanning bed or the sun because the UV rays can be harmful to the body. But how can you get a lovely sun-tanned skin without lying in the sun for hours? Self-tanner is the answer!   What Show more


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      A tanned skin , many people are very happy about that. However, we do not all have the time or the desire to lie in the sun for hours. Not everyone is a fan of a tanning bed or the sun because the UV rays can be harmful to the body. But how can you get a lovely sun-tanned skin without lying in the sun for hours? Self-tanner is the answer!


      What is self-tanner?

      With a self-tanner your skin gets a lovely brown tint without coming into contact with the sun. The perfect option if you don't like sunbathing or have a party and want to look a bit browner quickly. With a self-tanner you will have that lovely brown glow in a short time, and it is also harmless to the skin!


      How do I get a tan without the sun?

      Although the sun is an absolute must for our health, hours of sunbathing with sunscreen is not recommended. It causes you to lie in the sun for too long, with a cream that stops the natural warning mechanism of your skin. Getting a tan without sun or a tanning bed is something that many people prefer to avoid. Still, a nice tan is wanted, it gives you a natural, healthy glow! A good self-tanner is therefore a must-have for many women! You get a lovely summery tan without baking in the sun for hours!


      How do I choose the right shade of self-tanner?

      There are all different types of self-tanners - you have a mousse , cream or spray . The type of self-tanner you use does not matter, choose one that you find most comfortable to use and that suits your skin type. The color you choose does matter. Everyone has a different skin color, so it is important to find out which color suits you. Between self-tanners you often have three different color choices: light , medium and dark . To choose the right color, it is important to look at your natural skin color, and not how dark you want the tan to be.


      In any case, make sure that your self-tanner is never too dark, because you can always build it up but not reduce it. That way you always have a nice result!


      What is a really good self-tanner?

      In the world of tanning there are many self-tanners available, what is a good self-tanner? This is of course different for everyone, because everyone likes different properties of a self-tanner. Let's first state that a good self-tanner gives a natural sun-tanned tint, without smudging and is easy to apply. You don't want to look orange spots or oompa loompa after applying a self-tanner. A good self-tanner does not have to be expensive. There are enough budget brands that have super fine tanning products in their range. For an even end result, we recommend that you use a Tanning Mitt . This is a glove with which you distribute the self-tan evenly over the skin so that you prevent stains. In addition, it is important to always wash your hands well after using a self-tanner. This prevents self-tanner from remaining in the folds of your hands, which leads to color differences. Of course we want a natural result!


      Which budget proof self-tanner do you recommend?

      There are several self-tanners that are extremely popular, but they are sometimes very expensive. It is nice to receive it as a gift, but when the bottle is empty you will not buy a new one. Still, you really want a lovely sunny tan, so what is actually a super nice self-tanner that is ALSO affordable? We have these self-tanners! These are the self-tanning products from Sunkissed . This brand is not so extremely popular for nothing. It is very affordable and gives just as beautiful a tan! And not only that, it consists of 95% natural ingredients. Not harmful, but a colour!


      What types of tanning are on the market?

      Tanning comes in all shapes and sizes, you have mousse self-tanners, lotion tanners and spray variants. Which one do you use and does it matter what you use? Is there a preference of variant for a certain body part? We are going to tell you now!


      Mousse is perfect for you if you are just starting to use a self-tanner. Why? Mousse is incredibly easy to apply to your skin and to distribute evenly. However, even experienced tanners continue to use it because of its ease. Mousse is perfect for arms, legs and your back.


      Lotion is extremely suitable for men or women who have a light or sensitive skin. Why? A tanning that comes in the form of a lotion also contains caring ingredients, so you care for the skin and give it a color. 2 in 1, ideal for after showering and if you like to regularly apply a body lotion. A body lotion with a color!


      Tanspray is extremely suitable for your face and décolleté. A spray is easy to distribute on your body, provided you keep the spray moving. If you spray too long in one place, you will get spots. That is why it is best to distribute the spray on your body in circular movements. You cannot use a spray if you hold it upside down to do your legs or back, for example.


      Each variant has its advantages, ultimately it is up to you which one you like best. There are enough ladies who use a tanning mousse for the entire body and face. See what you like best, and what fits best in your daily rituals is of course the most important. Ultimately that is the variant that suits you best!


      We also always recommend reading the descriptions on the packaging, they may have some good tips.


      How do these self-tanning body lotions work?

      Body lotions, everyone has at least one in their bathroom cabinet, and these days there are body lotions with a tint among them. You may have used it yourself a few times, but how does it actually work? And what is the difference with a 'regular' self-tanner? A self-tanning body lotion gives your skin a beautiful, subtle sunny tint and nourishes it at the same time! You have two products in one and that is ideal and saves time! It is often the case that a body lotion with a tint is often less strong than a pure self-tanner. You can of course build this up by using the lotion every day. A body lotion with a tint is also used as daily maintenance for a self-tanner that is used approximately once a week.


      The tanning agent that is added to the body lotion is called DHA or dihydroxyacetone. This ingredient is an artificial sugar that discolours your skin. Once you apply it, the ingredient DHA is active for six hours, which means that it takes about six hours before you see a tan on your body.


      How do you remove tan from your hands?

      Brown hands, especially the inside of your hands and between your fingers... The sign that you are using self-tanner, and we would of course rather not have that. It does not look good. When you use self-tanner you normally wash your hands, but it can happen that you forget to do this once. Not very handy! It can happen once, but removing it is still a priority. Walking around with orange hands is not very popular. Below are tips on what you can do to get clean hands again!


      Tip 1:Of course you scrub before applying self-tanner, but you can also scrub your hands clean afterwards! Just apply some extra cream and you're done!

      Tip 2: Baking soda is a commonly used product in many households. This product is also ideal for removing self-tanner from your hands. You actually make a kind of scrub out of it. Mix some baking soda (baking powder) and water and your palms will automatically becomecrystal clear again !

      Tip 3: Lemon juice is an ideal remedy to get your palms back to normal. If you don't have any lemons lying around, you can also use lemon juice from the well-known yellow bottle. Let the lemon juice soak in for about 3 minutes and then rinse it off with just water, et voilà! Be careful if you have wounds, the lemon juice bites!

      Tip 4:Baby oilis an ideal and cheap way to remove self-tanning cream from your hands. Take a little baby oil and mix it with water and then rub your hands with it. Let the mixture soak into your hands for a few minutes and rinse it off with water. Lovely soft AND clean hands!

      Tip 5: Nail polish remover is often used as a last resort. Of course, it makes sense, because it is an aggressive agent and it dries out your skin enormously. We are not even talking about the smell that comes from it. That is why it is recommended that IF you use it, only apply it to the stains that are still left on your hands and once you are done, apply a nourishing hand cream to your hands.

      Tip 6: Taking a warm bath is not only wonderful, it is also effective in soaking off your tan. Use a scrub glove to remove the orange stains and then scrub it dry with a rough towel using circular movements. The stain will immediately be a lot less or in the worst case your orange tan will have almost disappeared ;) After about 15 minutes, add a dash of bath oil or olive oil, this ensures that the self-tanner does not penetrate your skin but remains on your skin.

      Tip 7: Self-tan remover is of course also an ideal product to use. Logically, it was specially developed for this purpose. It does cost more than the above tips, but it is certainly effective.

      Tip 8: As we already mentioned above, as a tip to use olive oil or bath oil in the bath, or baby coconut oil is also possible, you can also rub yourself with it. Then you go and lie down in a nice warm bath. The combination of hot water and oil ensures that the fake tan on your skin is broken down. In other words, you lose your orange color or your too brown color!


      How do I apply self-tanner?

      Of course, you want to avoid stains when applying your self-tanner, but in which steps can you best apply your self-tan? Below we have explained it exactly for you:


      • Face: Before applying the self-tanner, it is important to first carefully scrub your face. Once you have done that, apply the self-tanner to your face using circular movements. Don't forget your neck, décolleté and behind your ears. To ensure that the self-tan doesn't get into your eyebrows, you can apply Vaseline there. You can apply the self-tan with a brush , for example, for an even result.


      • Body: When applying self-tanner to your body, in addition to scrubbing, it is also important to shave your legs. Start by applying the self-tanner to your feet and then slowly work your way up. Finally, do your arms and hands. Make sure you apply the self-tan in circular motions with a tanning mit , to prevent streaks and spots.


      How long should self-tanner be left on for best results?

      The processing time of a tanning cream depends on which product you use. With one self-tanner you will see results after an hour, while another self-tanner will give a nice, even tan after about six to eight hours. Sometimes it can be the case that a self-tanner does not work, but this is very rare. This is because a specific amino acid is absent in your skin. Ten to fifteen percent of people suffer from this. The following question goes into more detail about why a self-tanner might not work.


      We always advise you to first read the label of the self-tanner that you have at home. We provide a lot of information here, so that you can make a well-considered choice with the right information. However, we do not know everything, and it is always good to look and do research yourself.

      In any case, it is recommended that you apply a self-tanner in the evening and let it work in well. Do you want the tan spray to be absorbed into your skin more quickly? Then it is advisable to use a hairdryer and set it to a lukewarm setting. This will allow the self-tanner to be absorbed into your skin more quickly. This will shorten the processing time. Always check carefully whether the self-tanner has been absorbed properly before putting on your clothes. If it is still a bit damp, you will get stripes or stains if you put on your clothes too early.


      Self-tanner is not working properly, what is causing this?

      Sometimes it can happen that the self-tanner you used does not give the beautiful tan as promised. The result is not as it should be. How exactly is this possible? There can be several causes for this, we have listed them for you.


      • Before using the self-tanner, you forgot to depilate your legs. This prevents the tanning from being absorbed properly into your skin.
      • Before you started working on the tan, you forgot to scrub or exfoliate your body. As a result, all the dead skin cells that were loose on your skin were not removed properly, which is why the tanning body lotion did not adhere to your skin.
      • You have depilated and scrubbed your skin, but you did not do this at least 24 hours in advance. As a result, there is unconscious product residue left behind, which now affects the color.
      • Before using the brown tint, you did not shake the bottle well. The contents of the bottle have now separated, or the ingredients are not mixed well, which can affect the tint.
      • Before you applied the self-tanner to your skin, you first went fanatical with a body lotion or a shower cream or a body butter. Now your skin is too oily and it does not take the self-tanner.
      • After you have smeared yourself with the tan mousse you did not wait long enough before going into the shower. As a result, some of it has been washed away.
      • Before you take a lovely dip in the pool or the sea, the self-tanner has not yet fully absorbed into your skin.
      • Before the self-tanner has fully absorbed into your skin, you have already started exercising. This has caused you to sweat and this has also caused some of the mousse to disappear.
      • It may be that your skin does not react to a self-tanner, which we already discussed in the previous question.


      Do I need to prepare my body before using self-tanner?

      If you want to avoid spots or a bad result, it is absolutely important that you prepare your body well. Below you will find the most important tips before you go wild with your favorite tan mousse, body lotion or spray.


      1. Before you start using a self-tanner, it is extremely important to exfoliate your skin first. Preferably at least 24 hours in advance. By exfoliating, you remove dead skin cells, which allows the self-tan to be better absorbed by your skin. It is advisable to exfoliate your joints extra thoroughly, as there are more calluses there.
      2. Before you start applying self-tanner, it is important that your skin is clean. Then it is advisable to use a glove that is specially developed for this purpose. A Tanning Mitt ensures that you distribute the product evenly over your skin, which prevents stripes, spots and other oddities. Not only that, you also prevent spotty hands with it. When you use the glove, make circular movements over your body. Then let the self-tanner soak into your skin well before you put on your clothes, otherwise you will still get stripes. Let that be exactly what you want to prevent.


      Want more tips on how to apply your self-tanner carefree to your skin with the most beautiful result? Then we recommend you read our article "14 valuable tools to make self-tanning a success the first time!".


      Can I mix a self-tanner with a body lotion?

      A frequently asked question is whether you can apply a self-tanner with a body lotion. This can be because you want to create a subtle tan or because you want your skin to be extra cared for. The reasons can be different, but we all want to know the same thing. Is this possible? The answer to that is YES! You can mix a self-tanner with a body lotion, you actually just dilute your self-tanner with it. This makes the tan less intense and gives you a beautiful subtle color on your skin. You add a few drops of your self-tanner to a moisturizing lotion and then mix them well. Of course you want an even result! Then apply the combination as a normal skin care cream.


      Also with this method of application it is important to prepare your skin well. In other words, your body must first be well depilated and scrubbed. Although you want to create a subtle tan, you obviously want to do this in the right way. You want a beautiful, even result! Did it not go completely well? No problem, we also give you all the tips above on how to solve this!


      Are you still looking for a 100% safe body lotion that does not contain any carcinogenic ingredients, hormone disruptors or other harmful ingredients? Then you will end up with the body creams ofAttitude. Check the page for in-depth information about this special and effective Body Crème.


      Do I need gloves to apply self-tanner?

      Although many seasoned ladies and gentlemen do not use gloves, this can still have advantages. Especially because the glove makes it easier to apply to create an even look. This is why it is especially recommended for beginners to do this. Another advantage of using gloves is that your hands do not discolour. However, it is always advisable to wash your hands after using a self-tanner, even if you use a glove. Small effort, great convenience. If you use self-tanning wipes, it is also advisable to clean your hands thoroughly. However, if you use a self-tanning spray, it goes without saying that you do not use gloves. Apply the spray to your skin with circular movements.


      Do self-tanners also protect against the sun's rays?

      Self-tanners do not contain ingredients that protect your skin from excessive exposure during, for example, beach days. If you want that, it is advisable to use a separate sunscreen . Even if you have that beautiful tan, it does not mean that you are suddenly protected from the sun. We sell safe and affordable sunscreens, which you can find on theSunscreen page . Here you will find in-depth information about sunscreens.


      Is there a self-tanner that doesn't smell bad?

      Self-tanners and a familiar scent, it really seems to belong together. Is there a way to prevent that familiar and especially nasty scent? That is not possible just like that, why not? It is namely the chemical part of DHA with the amino acids that you smell and recognize out of thousands! Let that be exactly what you need to get a tan, removing this process is the same as taking a fat-soluble vitamin without eating fats. In any case, there is a lot that can be done about it. Of course, they are looking at how they can disguise this process and especially the scent that is created by adding perfume. Unfortunately, this does not always work, and you have to want this too. You can of course also go under the sunbed or in the sun, those are actually the only two options that do not cause this scent.


      Perhaps you should focus on something else and accept that this is how it is. You can always look for a variant that doesn't bother you that much. However, if this continues, then a self-tanner may not be for you.


      How do you get a tan?

      Getting a tan, it sometimes seems like a competition. Who got the most tan this past summer? Of course, you can get a tan in different ways. Most people get a tan from the sun, which is logical of course. The sun is fantastic for our health, we also get a tan from the sun. This is a natural warning from our body to remind us that we have been lying or sitting in the sun for too long. However, we want to get a huge tan and we start applying sunscreen and stay in bed longer. You ignore the warnings from your body. The combination of sunbathing for too long and applying all kinds of ointments can be harmful to your skin.


      Then of course we have the self-tanner that you use yourself at home. Although in the past this was always not quite right; read spots, orange and other scenes, this is no longer the case today. The self-tanners are developed in such a way that it looks like you have been lying in the sun, but then it comes from a tube/bottle.


      Which self-tanner suits me best?

      Which self-tanner suits you is something that you can only really decide for yourself. What is your daily routine, what do you like and how often do you want to use self-tanner? As a beginner, it is advisable to start with a mousse. This is easy to spread and distribute, the risk of creating stains is very small.


      When should I start using a self-tanner?

      When should you start with a self-tanner? Immediately! No, we understand your question. Suppose you have a party in the weekend, do you have to start a few days in advance? Or do you not have to think about it at all and can you do it on the same day? This depends entirely on the type of self-tanner you use or want to use. If you want to use an instant self-tanner, you can even apply it the same day, the night before is more advisable. Any smell that may be on it will be a lot less the next day and you can of course still shower in the morning. If you have a self-tanner that is better known as 'gradual bronzers', you will need a few days. These self-tanners allow you to tan gradually and you need time for this. It is also wise to check how long the self-tanner in question lasts on your skin.


      Where can I ask my question about self-tanners?

      After reading the above information about tanning, are you still not sure which variant is the right choice? That's possible! Ask your burning question to our team via info@haarspullen.nl or call our customer service during office hours. We are happy to help you so that you are helped in the right direction :)